C-KYC Features
Central KYC Registry Solution
With VSoft’s CKYC Solution, your Bank no longer has to repeat the lengthy KYC procedure for a customer who has already completed it at another financial institution. Your Bank can optimize costs, engage in fewer repetitive processes, and have less duplicate data.

Easy Customer On-Boarding
With C-KYC, your Bank can provide prospects with quick access to your products because your prospects will fill out less paperwork.
Better Data Management
With all KYC data being unified across the entire financial sector, your Bank will be able to remove all duplicate and unneccesary data from it’s systems.
Cut Costs
By having to carry out the KYC procedure fewer times and by having to store less data, your Bank can save substantially.
Better Customer Relationships
If your customers have completed the KYC procedure before, they will be happy to know that they won’t have to do it again in order to buy a product from your Bank.
Secure Experience
All KYC data is stored in a secure registry that is run by CERSAI; a government-appointed entity. Each customer’s KYC data can only be accessed by entering a 14-digit identification code.
More Organized
With less paperwork and less manual processes, you can be sure that the customer verification processes at your Bank become more efficient, more systematic, and more cost-effective.

Fewer Costs

More happy customers

Having more time
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